January 20, 2012

Beauty Fades Not | The Photography Series

BEAUTY FADES NOT The Photography Series

Written by | Michelle Holder

Designer and photographer, Michelle Holder of Pixel Ink Studios released her first photography book entitled Beauty Fades Not. A uniquely extraordinary collection of roses, Beauty Fades Not features various colorful dying roses. Presented in vivid detail, this book brings the viewer’s attention to the beautiful aspects of roses in their dying state. This composition places the viewer on an intimate level with vulnerability and flaws evident with each rose while in contrast uncovering a level of subtle vitality, frailty and power. Beauty Fades Not the book includes 61 full color photographs of roses. This remarkable collection of photographs is the perfect gift for photography lovers and those who admire flowers.



“A thing of beauty is a joy forever, its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.”
—John Keats (1795-1821: Endymion. Book 1)

I once thought that beauty was a lot of things: a gorgeous sunset, an intricate design of a snowflake, or the face of a significant other. Like many, I believed beauty to be tangible but, unfortunately, fleeting. I fathomed beauty to be as a shooting star, a bright beacon of light glimmering across the sky. Imagine standing there nearly falling over backwards gawking, with mouth open and eyes filled with wonder at such a delightful spectacle in the night canopy above. Then seconds later, it would vanish out of sight never to be seen again, but leaving a lasting impression. That’s what I considered beauty to be—a tangible fleeting quality held captive by time—but I was wrong. Beauty has no limited qualities. In fact, beauty never fades and, in its purest form, it is timeless.

For as long as the beholder finds beauty in anything, so shall it then abide in a thing or person they see. It is all in how something is perceived. The minute one ceases to see beauty in anything, the lasting joy, comfort, and peace of mind that coexists with beauty no longer exist. Think about one’s own admiration of art, whether it is a painting, a photograph or even sculpture. No two people will always like the same work of art; the level of beauty in the piece on display will differ from viewer to viewer. Some may consider it a wonderful sight to behold while others may think it is pure rubbish. One who finds beauty in a work of art is often moved by an array of emotions. The number of emotions is endless, yet such emotions can trigger happy memories (just as memories would trigger emotions) that once were a reality. However, once the viewer no longer finds that work of art beautiful, those evoked emotions fade as a passing memory into the recesses of the mind. Hellen Keller said it best in this quote:“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or touched—they must be felt with the heart.”Whether it is a person or thing, no matter the situation that life can unexpectedly bring to our doorsteps —there is beauty in what can be seen. However, it takes a change in our perceptions to truly understand to see the beauty in all that surrounds us.


As a graphic designer turned photographer, Michelle Holder has been taking photos for four years. For this Washington D.C. native, photography began as a hobby. Eventually, it grew into an ongoing enlightening experience where she learned various ways of storytelling and communication through a single image. Much like in her paintings, drawings and even within some of her graphic design work, her photography often contains dynamic composition that provokes thought and emotion from the viewer. Having a well-rounded background within the fine arts (particularly painting and drawing), and design, has contributed to her unique shooting style (such as strong color palette, dynamic composition and direct underlining messages for the viewer). Currently she resides and works in Upper Marlboro, Maryland (USA), where she enjoys other interests and activities such as; writing, reading, painting, drawing, cinema and enjoying the company of family and friends.

You can purchase the book in the online bookstore at .




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